13 February 2010

Rabk- Part 10

Part 10
The Hidden Kingdom
"Wait, wait, wait." said Rabk, laughing. "This is Atlantis?" The large man on the throne looked at them humorously. "Do you expect us to believe that you two just happened to stumble upon the hidden kingdom of Atlantis?" he asked. "Basically, yes." said Beowulf. The smile disappeared from the man's face. "Then how, might I ask, did you know the password?" Beowulf and Rabk looked at each other, confused. Beowulf looked back at the man on the throne and said "Password?" "Yes! The password!" said the man, now angry. "The password, 'Genetically-modified Turtle'! how did you know it." Once again, Beowulf and Rabk looked back at each other, this time in surprise. Both of the two broke out in laughter. The throne man raised an eyebrow at the two of them. "I find nothing humorous about the situation at hand." "You see, sir," said Beowulf in between chuckles. "We were on a small boat, starving, and I said that I was hungry enough to eat a genetically modified turtle." He then went on laughing. The man on the throne even made a little smile. "Well, you are welcome here in Atlantis. I am the King, Lirotnim, Prime minister of Atlantis, and this is the council of fishmen." "Thank you, sir," replied Rabk, "I am Rabk, and this is Beowulf." "It is a pleasure to meet you both. You must be starving, as you said. May I recommend the Sleepy Tuna Cafe. If you mention my name, you can get a free meal. You should try the swordfish kabobs. They're quite good. Burt, here, will take you there." "Thank you sir." said Beowulf. After the two had eaten , they wandered around the great stone city. The soon found a abstract-looking house with a colorfully painted sign that read 'The House of Oddities'. "What's in there?" Rabk asked, pointing. Burt glanced over. "Oh, that's the House of Oddities, where we put all the strange creatures we find in the water." "Lets go!" yelled Beowulf excitedly. As Burt had said, the many exhibits in the museum were of strange sea creatures, making the place look like a large aquarium freak show. In one small tank was a clown fish asking for its dad. "That fish will never stop talking about its dad." Burt muttered to himself. The next exhibit was of a large, angry, dinosaur-like creature. "What is that?" asked Beowulf. "That's the thing that I think is known as the Loch Ness Monster." said Beowulf, uncomfortably. "Can we go now? The last time someone stared at that fish for too long, it broke out of its tank and ate that person." Beowulf and Rabk moved quickly to the next exhibit. They stared at it for about five minutes before Rabk asked "What is that?" The thing in the exhibit looked offended. "What am I?" it asked. "I am the only superhero with my own submarine! The superhero that can talk to fish! And the superhero who can breathe underwater! Any of those traits ring a bell?" The three people looked around at each other and shook their heads. The dismayed exhibit sighed and said "Oh, well. IT was worth a shot." After seeing this exhibit, the three decided that they had seen enough oddness for one day and the travellers decided to go to land. Beowulf brought them to the closest city in Atlantis to the continent that they were headed. He pointed their way out and said "All you need to do is follow the Yellow Brick Road." The two thanked Burt and went on their way. Rabk had to avoid sing and skipping as he went down the road.

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