16 October 2013

Kemper Hall (BMWTD #10)

Today I decided to go to Kemper Hall. Kemper Hall, formerly known as Engineering II, holds many of the engineering classrooms and labs, namely, for computer science.

Kemper Hall was, apparently, named after John D. Kemper, who was the second dean of the College of Engineering.

The building is actually very nicely designed. I mean, look at those windows.

This building is actually open to students, so I was actually able to go inside so I can give you a tour.

First of all, they had a plane. It was just hanging out there, but it was a plane.

There seemed to be a nice colorful pattern on the ground. The whole building seemed to have a nice color pattern.

Seriously. Even the room numbers had a color scheme.

Okay... that last sign was just confusing, but there still was a nice color scheme.

Even the bathroom sign had the same color scheme.

So, I had to check to see if the inside of the bathroom was just as colorful. It wasn't. It was actually quite dirty.

Since I was already in the bathroom, I decided I'd take my picture in there, and now, with the camera in the way, you can't tell if I'm smiling or not. 

Anyway... I went back downstairs and saw a little computer museum. It was pretty cool.

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