01 May 2010

East Coast - Day 1 & 2

In 2006, my family and I went to the East Coast of the United States on vacation. My mother said to bring a journal because that is how many people became famous. Although I am never able to keep up a journal at home, I am able to keep a journal when we are away on trips. It may be some part of my way of thinking, but it is how I function, so here is my journal from the point of view of me on the East Coast. I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, May 27, 2006; 6:24pm (California Time [I think])-
I am in the airport. I went through the metal detector and it went off. I had to take off my belt and put it on the conveyor belt. It was funny to see a belt go through one of them [Remember that I was ten years old at the time]. I'm very

Saturday, May 27, 2006; 9:40pm (California Time [I still think])-
We are waiting for our plane. I am still bored. I had a huge hamburger for dinner.

Sunday, May 28, 2006; 9:15am (East Coast Time [I am sure this time])-
We are in the Trenton train station and are getting tickets. We are going to Princeton to see Uncle David, Aunt Saskia, and our cousins. We got Uncle David Pete's Coffee. I'm kinda [actual word used] and my leg hurts a bit.

Sunday, May 28, 2006; 9:49pm (East Coast Time)-
We had a good day today. We had a big meal for lunch. Aunt Saskia even fried french fries. We walked a lot and I got a Princeton T-shirt. We got candy at Ricky's Candy, Cones, and Chaos. I had a drink with no sugar or caffeine [I have no idea why I wrote that]. I am not sleepy, but I have to go to bed. I'm not that bored. I like it here at the East Coast Lewis's. I am sleeping in D.J.'s [My cousin's] room. Shannon is sleeping in the tent in the basement with Juliana [I don't remember where they slept now. Juliana is my other cousin, older than D.J.] I'm going to go to bed now.