Facing Death
Part 18
When he heard Jeeves, Dodgers hopped up from his chair, and motioned for the others to follow him. As they went through the door, Wooster burst through it, scattering the travelers. Teatime followed Wooster through the door soon afterwards. Wooster jumped over the couch and turned around. "Stop this now, Teatime," Wooster pleaded, "Why would the Assassin's Guild want me dead, anyway?" In an eerily calm voice, Teatime replied, "I haven't the slightest idea. I'm just doing my job." Wooster tried to speak again, saying "Now I'm sure we can work this out--", but by the time he had said it, Teatime had thrown a knife at him, and it was now lodged inside Wooster's chest. Wooster looked at the hilt of the knife, looked up, and said, "Oh, bother". He then fell to the floor with a thump, and the travelers gathered around. Jeeves just glanced down and walked out of the room. As the travelers watched the dying man, Teatime came up, pulled the knife out of Wooster, and left. A few seconds later, Wooster muttered a few words about pancakes and closed his eyes for good. The crowd around the dead man sat silently watching the motionless body. As they sat there, a deep voice came from behind them, saying, "Excuse me, but I must get in here." The travelers jumped up and turned around. There, in front of them, was a tall skeleton with a scythe and a long, black cloak. "Who are you?" asked Burt. "Some call me the Grim Reaper, others call me Death, and some call me The End, but I like to be called Paul. Now please step back." As they did, Death waved his scythe over the body of Wooster and it slowly faded into nothingness. "Goodbye, now." said Paul and he was gone. Jeeves came back in again with a suitcase and a bowler hat on. "I'm sorry, gentlemen, but I'm going to have to ask you all to leave. I must go to find where Mr. Wooster came back to life at." Dodgers moved quickly, "Thanks, Jeeves for the vehicle." "Not at all, Mr. Dodgers." The travelers walked with Jeeves outside, and he pointed out their car. He then got in a car and drove off. Rabk didn't even wave. He was just staring at the car, which was a wooden wagon hooked up to a donkey with a kangaroo on its back. "That's our transportation?" asked Rabk. "Yup," said Dodgers as he hopped inside, "We don't need much." Rabk shook his head and got in, and off they went towards the mountain. After a couple hours of of riding down the road, a hissing noise sounded from behind them, and as the crew turned around to find the source of the sound, the back of the wagon blew up.