30 January 2011

The Philippines - Day 4

Monday, November 15, 201o; 7:45pm

Today, we had something forgot breakfast.It rained a lot and created a giant puddle around the house next door. We didn't do much today. Our three oldest cousins, Jacob, Jeremy, and Liwliwa (Who are still younger than us), went to school. The camera stopped working. We were invited to a large ceremony for Shannon at Alinunu School. It was all about thanking her for setting up a project to send books and supplies to the school. When we left, all the kids waved at us. We had sort of a fish dish for dinner.
It was also Riza's birthday today. Riza is our youngest cousin. As a result, we got a squishy rice read along with our breakfast. It was nice. Jacob took me to a shop after his school was out and we got corn chips. Its kind of strange to be there, because I am a tall white boy and many stare at me.
Oh, well. Its not like I haven't been the strange one of the bunch anyway! To learn more about the Alinunu Book Project and how to help out, go to the following link:

17 January 2011

Just Desert

So, I was cleaning my room one day, and I found a discovery. A book of my own stories, written when I was in 4th and 5th grade! The book was titled 'Mysterious Writing Book' due to the strange disappearance of the creator of the pictures in the book. Nobody knew who he was or where he went. The person who had received these pictures published them and allowed people to try to come up with stories to these pictures. My class got to write stories for these pictures. Although mine are not that great, they are funnyish. Yes, I know the picture shows a person in the kitchen, but the title is "Just Desert", not "Just Dessert". I hope you enjoy the story!

Just Desert
"She lowered the knife and it grew even brighter"

She was just making pumpkin pie, but the pumpkin exploded. It had grown larger and larger and then it exploded. Anna screamed when she saw the monster inside of it. The monster was small, round, and green. It's eyes were huge and there were five of them. The monster rolled around like a ball. It also could hop. It hopped on Anna and bit her head off, and went on with his plan to conquer the world. Muahahaha!
Please remember that I was in 5th grade when I wrote this.

This is just one of many stories that I wrote in that book. over the next few weeks, I will be showing most of these stories on my blog!