23 December 2009

Rabk-Pt. 2

Rabk Part 2

Understanding the World

Rabk pased back and forth. Beowulf stood near by, still standing heroiclly with Grendal's arm. Rabk stopped and turned to Beowulf. "So you're saying that there is no way back to the real world?" he asked. Beowulf rolled his eyes. "For the, like, fortieth time, there is no way for you to go back. This is you're world now! No changing that!" "But this isn't the real world! I need to somehow get back! How did I get here anyway?" Beowulf shrugged. "All I know is that all of us come from a books. Ask the Librarian." "Yeah, but I don't come from any stinking book. And I need--" Rabk paused. "Did you say the Librarian? Aren't there hundreds of librarians in books?" "Yeah, but only one is designated to run the Library." "And what is in this 'Library'?" "Every story, book, and movie ever made up in the real world." Rabk got excited. "Maybe the librarian knows how I should get back! Can you take me there?" He asked Beowulf. Beowulf grinned. He just couldn't resist an adventure. "Sure," he said "But you're going to need a boat." Rabk looked as confused as a armadillo on ice. "Why do I need a boat?" he asked. Beowulf studied his sword. "Oh, just because the library happens to be half-way arround the world from here." Rabk basically collapsed onto the ground. Beowulf looked down in an amused/annoyed sort of way. "Awe, c'mon! Its not that bad. I even know one of the best crews out there." Rabk opened his eyes. "Who is this great crew of yours?" Beowulf smiled. "C'mon if you want to find out." he said, and with that he walked off. Rabk got up and followed him. They ventured into what used to be a shopping center. As they went onto the main street, a dressed rebbit ran by, waving his pocketwatch arround and complaining about the time. He rather large little girl ran by, holding an empty bottle reading 'Drink me'. Rabk had to jump to get out of the way of this giant girl, but Beowulf, with the slightest movement of his shoulder, went right in between the monstorous legs as if nothing ever happened. Rabk quickly ran to catch up with Beowulf. "So where are we going?" he asked. "To the River!" said Beowulf. "The river?" asked Rabk, confused, "But there are no rivers around here! Just a small pond!" Beowulf, fully annoyed by now, turned arround, almost yelling, "Look arround you, man! This is not your world! Don't you expect that something might be different here?" Rabk did look arround him. The local butcher shop was no longer selling pig and cow, but dragon and whale. A blonde girl, with flowing blonde hair, leaned her head over he balcony, her face scrunched up in pain. As Rabk's eyes followed the hair down to the ground, he found a prince unsuccessfully trying to climb up the hair. Although Rabk spent a coupleamusing moments watching this prince, his eyes soon were brought tho the roof by gunfire, where riflemen, archers, and some cannibals were shooting each other off the roofs. Rabk looked forward to find Beowulf far ahead of him on their way down the street. Rabk realized he wasn't walking, so he decided to start again, but as Rabk walked, the door of what used to be a olive oil shop opened to release an army of pirates attacking each other randomly, as if in a bar fight. As Rabk observed, a man fell out a window, falling onto Rabk. The pirate yelled at Rabk, about to punch him when a shiney boot hit the pirate off of him. The boot immediately was on Rabk's chest, taking the place of the pirate. The boot was connected to a man with long, curley hair and a red suit. A giant feather stood on top of the man's red hat. A hand pulled a sword from the man's side, putting it to Rabk's neck. " Tell me where Peter is, boy." Rabk just lied there, hands in the air, too afraid to speak. "Tell me boy!" yelled the man, "Or you die!"

To Be Continued