10 January 2010

Rabk- Part 7

Part 7

The Jungle Beast

As the ship went through the ocean, many monsters were encountered. The monsters ranged from one as bad as 'She' to aliens that were shaped like poodles. When the ship had almost exited the most dangerous part of the journey, the came to an island. Compared to Circe's island, it was large. It had mountains in the middle, surrounded by jungle areas, and on the edges of the island, tall cliffs stood, keeping the beach from touching the jungle. Odysseus gave the order to land. Rabk went up to him, worriedly. "Why are we landing?" "We need food" replied Odysseus calmly. "But why couldn't we wait until we get out of this monster-infest area of the ocean?" Odysseus looked at him seriously. "I don't know when we are going to see land next, so we are going to get some food, even if it means facing another monster." Then Odysseus walked off the ship, following his men. Rabk came soon afterwards, though he was reluctant. After walking around on the beaches of the island, the men found a small cut in the cliff which led to the jungle above. This passage was guarded be some natives to the island, who were wearing feathered hats and holding spears. The guards made a strange call up the passageway. Soon, more natives came down the passage an looked at Odysseus's crew. Odysseus's men put their hands up as the natives walked around them and studied them. As they did this, a horn from the jungle sounded. The natives looked up, then all ran into the jungle again, even the guards this time. "That was weird" said Beowulf "Most tribal natives would have taken prisoners." , but nonetheless, the search party went into the jungle. The party found a large bounty of fruits. They found apples, oranges, and grapes, but mainly found bananas, which were stacked up on primitive alters all around the island. As they turned to head back to the boat, they heard a terrifying roar. They tried to move a bit faster in the direction of the boat, but suddenly, another roar came, and this time it was right behind them. As they turned, a large gorilla appeared from out of the jungle. Backing away, Odysseus's men pulled rifles from their bags. As the monster grabbed for them, Odysseus shouted "Fire!". The monkey fell back, swatting around his face like a person would when flies would hover around them. He roared a loud, angry cry. Odysseus turned to Beowulf and Rabk, and with a sense of urgency in his voice, said, "Go." Rabk tried to question the orders, but Beowulf was already pulling towards the jungle entrance. When the two of them got to the boat, the group of men in charge of watching the ship looked up casually. "Get ready to go!" said Beowulf. They started to get up, but when a roar came from the forest, they started moving much faster. Another roar came from the very top of the cliff. "They're going to have to jump!" said one of the crew members. Rabk was confused. "But they'll die," he said. "Not necessarily," replied Beowulf. As another roar came, small figures started shooting off the edge of the cliff. As the men watched, small parachutes deployed from the specks. The men hit the ground and started running for the ship. Odysseus and two other men were the last to land, and as they started to run, the Gorilla landed behind them, causing a mini earthquake. When Odysseus was on, he yelled "Go!" , and the rowers started rowing. The gorilla got to the shore just when they were out of reach. In his anger, the beast ripped a palm tree from the ground and threw it at them. The tree missed them by a long shot. As they sailed off, Rabk turned to Odysseus. "Rifles? and parachutes?" "Hey, in this world, even ancient Greeks can have rifles."
To Be Continued...

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