The New Journey
"What?" yelled Rabk. "You heard me." said the Librarian quite plainly, "There is no known way out of this world." Rabk kicked at the ground angrily, making two small numbered sack people in hoods fly across the room. Beowulf watched them, amused, as they hit the wall, and then he looked up at Rabk with disappointment. "Wow, Rabk. Are you seriously going to give up that easily?" "Well what am I supposed to do?" muttered Rabk, looking down. "Well, you could start by doing this," replied Beowulf, turning to the Librarian. "Ma'am, can you think of anyone who might know of an unproven way to get out?" Rabk looked up at the Librarian, hopefully. The Librarian stared at the ceiling in thought. "Well..." she said, doubtfully. Rabk was immediately in her face, saying "Yes? What? Can you think of anything?" After pushing Rabk away, she said "There is one man who might know about a way out." "Who is it?" Who?" said Rabk, full of excitement. The Librarian went to the window, followed by Rabk, Beowulf, and Burt. The librarian pointed to a group of mountains outside the city. In the center of the mountain range was the largest mountain, at least twice as large as any other mountain there. "On that tall mountain lives a very odd and mysterious man, known as...," The Librarian looked at them momentously, "The wise man." Burt rolled his eyes. "Well, that's a surprise." Librarian looked at him with her own surprise showing on her face. "Oh, don't doubt the him!" she said, "Many have come back inspired!" Rabk smiled and picked up his bag. "Well, then," he said, "We have no time to waste." So off Rabk went, with Beowulf and Burt trailing behind him, through the city. As the travelers walked down the city's main street, a a teenager ran past them, shoving something into Burt's hands, then went on running. Rabk and Beowulf turned and looked at the object. It was a small, but brilliantly pink stone. "What is it?" asked Burt. "I don't know," said Rabk, "But I think I see a pink cat in it." "That's great," said Beowulf indifferently, "But I think I see something worse." Rabk and Burt turned around to see what looked like a mob of every police force on the face of the planet running towards them. "We better go," said Beowulf, who turned and ran after the boy who had given them the stone. Burt and Rabk followed behind. "Why are we following him?" asked Burt as they ran. Beowulf yelled back to him, "He knows this city better than we do, he can show us how to get away." Soon, the boy veered off of the main road and into the city alleyways. There happened to be plenty of fat cats in these alleys, and they were all eating birds. After turning into the absolutely smallest street possible, the boy entered an old apartment complex. Up the stairs the boy went, followed by the travelers, and the police mob farther behind. When the boy made it to the roof, he turned around and yelled to Beowulf, "Why did you have to follow me?" Beowulf yelled back, "Why did you hand us the jewel. The boy tried to answer, but was topped by the mob of police breaking through the door. The travelers and the thief were surrounded with no where to go.
To Be Continued...
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