Today I actually went to a building that was open to the public: Surge II. There are other Surge buildings, including Surge III and Surge IV, but I can't figure out why they are called Surge.
Surge II is located near the center of campus and is the home of the Academic Technology Services, which provides creative and technical support services to campus.
I'm not going to lie, the first time I went to visit Surge II, I forgot my memory card for my camera, so I had to go back across campus to my dorm, get the card, then come back to Surge II.
The Surge is nice, though, because unlike some of the other buildings, I could go all the way around it without hopping any fences or going into off-limits areas. I took a picture of the back of the building just to show you that I was actually able to go there.
As I stated earlier, Surge II is open to the public and I was able to take a look inside. You can always tell a friendly place when they have smiling pumpkins everywhere and a sign that says 'ASYLUM' hanging on the wall.
And, as always, I took a picture of me and the building. I am displaying what I like to call my 'Flat Smile', but don't judge. You're lucky I even smiled at all. This building had bikers all around it, all of them ready to give me a funny look at a moment's notice.
I also saw the most interesting golf cart ever. It had doors, a trailer, and it was completely electric. You can even see the extension chord that's recharging it in the picture above.
I also saw the UPS Truck. I have an issue with this UPS truck because when I went to see the Environmental Services Faculty Headquarters, this truck honked at me for being in a parking lot. I wasn't even biking slowly or anything. I just want the world to know how terrible this UPS truck is, even if it does run on natural gas.